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Dear pastors and praying friends,

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19) These last couple of months for our family have been reminders that God can and will provide for our needs… of every sort!

Hours upon hours of safe travel. Reunions with churches that hold a special place in our hearts and have loved us and encouraged us. New churches and friends we've met along the way who have blessed us in their interest in the ministry God has called us to and their care for us—whether by opening their homes to us, feeding us, giving us gifts, praying with us, letting the kids love on their animals, and many more ways. We are so thankful for all of these blessings!

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But even in the midst of all these blessings, there is no getting away from the fact that constantly traveling, meeting new people, going from mission conference to mission conference is exhausting! Especially for the introverts in our family. Yet, even in that, God knows, cares, and provides.

God gave us a free week after a recent conference in Kansas to spend with our friends, the Lowerys, who used to be missionaries in Thailand but returned to the States last November for him to pastor a church in Kansas. The Jones family, our co-workers in Thailand, were able to join us for a portion of that week. These families are more like family than friends; these are the people we spent holidays and birthdays with, the people who laughed, cried, and prayed with us. The people who came and joined us for outreaches and efforts to share the Gospel in Khukhan. My children's best friends. Our hearts are full and refreshed because of the time we were able to spend with them. God knew our need, and He supplied.



In the midst of all our meetings, we squeezed in a quick weekend at our home church to attend a friend's wedding, and our son, Lucas, chose to follow the Lord by being baptized, along with one of his good friends who also recently accepted Christ! We're praying for Lucas and Remi to continue growing in their knowledge of the Lord and for willing hearts to serve Him in whatever way He chooses.


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During our time in Kansas, God also chose to fully supply the needed funds for our plane tickets for our return to Thailand in February. We are thankful for the people who allowed God to use them to supply this need!


We are looking forward to spending several weeks celebrating the many birthdays our family has in November and December, as well as Thanksgiving and Christmas with our family here in the States. Only being in the States for holidays every few years certainly makes that time together extra special.

Please pray for us as we are still looking for 2-4 more churches that would be interested in partnering with us to reach Thailand with the Gospel. We have a few dates available in January to finish up our time here in the States. If you know of a church that would be interested in having us in to present our burden for Thailand, please let us know or feel free to pass our contact information along to them.

Thank you all for being a part of our ministry. We are truly blessed to know that there are so many people praying with and for us! Please continue to pray with us that God will use us to be a blessing to others in our remaining time in the States and then as we prepare to return to Thailand, move to a new city, and continue in the work that God has called us to!

In Christ, Sawat and Amanda Dasantad Your church planting missionaries to Thailand